crossing number
Are different notions of the crossing number the same? ★★★
The crossing number of a graph is the minimum number of edge crossings in any drawing of in the plane. In the pairwise crossing number , we minimize the number of pairs of edges that cross.
Keywords: crossing number; pair-crossing number
Crossing numbers and coloring ★★★
Author(s): Albertson
We let denote the crossing number of a graph .
Keywords: coloring; complete graph; crossing number
Crossing sequences ★★
Author(s): Archdeacon; Bonnington; Siran
Then there exists a graph that be drawn on a surface with orientable (nonorientable, resp.) genus with crossings, but not with less crossings.
Keywords: crossing number; crossing sequence
5-coloring graphs with small crossing & clique numbers ★★
For a graph , we let denote the crossing number of , and we let denote the size of the largest complete subgraph of .
Keywords: coloring; crossing number; planar graph
Drawing disconnected graphs on surfaces ★★
Author(s): DeVos; Mohar; Samal
Keywords: crossing number; surface
The Crossing Number of the Hypercube ★★
The crossing number of is the minimum number of crossings in all drawings of in the plane.
The -dimensional (hyper)cube is the graph whose vertices are all binary sequences of length , and two of the sequences are adjacent in if they differ in precisely one coordinate.
Keywords: crossing number; hypercube
The Crossing Number of the Complete Bipartite Graph ★★★
Author(s): Turan
The crossing number of is the minimum number of crossings in all drawings of in the plane.
Keywords: complete bipartite graph; crossing number
The Crossing Number of the Complete Graph ★★★
The crossing number of is the minimum number of crossings in all drawings of in the plane.
Keywords: complete graph; crossing number