edge coloring

Star chromatic index of complete graphs ★★

Author(s): Dvorak; Mohar; Samal

Conjecture   Is it possible to color edges of the complete graph $ K_n $ using $ O(n) $ colors, so that the coloring is proper and no 4-cycle and no 4-edge path is using only two colors?

Equivalently: is the star chromatic index of $ K_n $ linear in $ n $?

Keywords: complete graph; edge coloring; star coloring

Star chromatic index of cubic graphs ★★

Author(s): Dvorak; Mohar; Samal

The star chromatic index $ \chi_s'(G) $ of a graph $ G $ is the minimum number of colors needed to properly color the edges of the graph so that no path or cycle of length four is bi-colored.

Question   Is it true that for every (sub)cubic graph $ G $, we have $ \chi_s'(G) \le 6 $?

Keywords: edge coloring; star coloring

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