monovalued reloid
Characterization of monovalued reloids with atomic domains ★★
Author(s): Porton
Conjecture Every monovalued reloid with atomic domain is either
- an injective reloid;
- a restriction of a constant function
(or both).
Keywords: injective reloid; monovalued reloid
Monovalued reloid restricted to atomic filter ★★
Author(s): Porton
Conjecture A monovalued reloid restricted to an atomic filter is atomic or empty.
Weaker conjecture:
Conjecture A (monovalued) function restricted to an atomic filter is atomic or empty.
Keywords: monovalued reloid
Atomic reloids are monovalued ★★
Author(s): Porton
Conjecture Atomic reloids are monovalued.
Keywords: atomic reloid; monovalued reloid; reloid
Monovalued reloid is a restricted function ★★
Author(s): Porton
Conjecture If a reloid is monovalued then it is a monovalued function restricted to some filter.
Keywords: monovalued morphism; monovalued reloid; reloid