
Partitioning the Projective Plane ★★

Author(s): Noel

Throughout this post, by projective plane we mean the set of all lines through the origin in $ \mathbb{R}^3 $.

Definition   Say that a subset $ S $ of the projective plane is octahedral if all lines in $ S $ pass through the closure of two opposite faces of a regular octahedron centered at the origin.
Definition   Say that a subset $ S $ of the projective plane is weakly octahedral if every set $ S'\subseteq S $ such that $ |S'|=3 $ is octahedral.
Conjecture   Suppose that the projective plane can be partitioned into four sets, say $ S_1,S_2,S_3 $ and $ S_4 $ such that each set $ S_i $ is weakly octahedral. Then each $ S_i $ is octahedral.

Keywords: Partitioning; projective plane

2-colouring a graph without a monochromatic maximum clique ★★

Author(s): Hoang; McDiarmid

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a non-empty graph containing no induced odd cycle of length at least $ 5 $, then there is a $ 2 $-vertex colouring of $ G $ in which no maximum clique is monochromatic.

Keywords: maximum clique; Partitioning

Convex 'Fair' Partitions Of Convex Polygons ★★

Author(s): Nandakumar; Ramana

Basic Question: Given any positive integer n, can any convex polygon be partitioned into n convex pieces so that all pieces have the same area and same perimeter?

Definitions: Define a Fair Partition of a polygon as a partition of it into a finite number of pieces so that every piece has both the same area and the same perimeter. Further, if all the resulting pieces are convex, call it a Convex Fair Partition.

Questions: 1. (Rephrasing the above 'basic' question) Given any positive integer n, can any convex polygon be convex fair partitioned into n pieces?

2. If the answer to the above is "Not always'', how does one decide the possibility of such a partition for a given convex polygon and a given n? And if fair convex partition is allowed by a specific convex polygon for a give n, how does one find the optimal convex fair partition that minimizes the total length of the cut segments?

3. Finally, what could one say about higher dimensional analogs of this question?

Conjecture: The authors tend to believe that the answer to the above 'basic' question is "yes". In other words they guess: Every convex polygon allows a convex fair partition into n pieces for any n

Keywords: Convex Polygons; Partitioning

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